Five ways to restore balance in your life

Restoring balance in your life can help improve your mental wellbeing. There are several ways to help you bring your work and life into balance. The key is changing your attitude about what you can and should accomplish at work.

Stop trying to please everyone

Don’t fall victim to trying to please everyone. You’ll be ineffective in managing your work-life balance and time effectively. People who try to please everyone become stuck in a place where they agree to everything without considering what is most important or the best use of their time. When you try to please everyone, the one person who doesn’t get pleased is yourself.

Be true to yourself

Many executives believe respect comes from how much and how well they do something. However, an equally important element of respect is integrity, and integrity requires being true to yourself. When you are overworked, isn’t it better to try to rebalance your schedule or delegate more often? There is a truth that always exists within your work – the need to do what is right for you and your mental health, which will help you better serve the company and prevent job burnout.

Set boundaries

Boundaries are essential and help you have a work-life balance that provides enjoyment, peace and fulfillment. Create boundaries for yourself and then honor them. Perhaps you’ve established a personal rule that you will never work through lunch, not work past a specific time, not get to the office before a particular time or not work on weekends. There are exceptions to the rule, but that’s what they are–exceptions, not everyday occurrences.

Learn to underpromise

Allow yourself to do less than you think you can do. If you think it will take an hour to do something, give yourself an hour and a half. You’ll be less inclined to feel guilty when you lower your expectations and are more likely to meet your goals since you aren’t under as much pressure and stress.

Stop feeling guilty

It’s OK to have a life away from the office. It’s not a crime to turn off your cell phone or not respond to emails while on vacation. Fiercely protect your days off and relish all of the time entitled to you. You’ll not only restore balance to your life and relieve stress, but studies show that people who take vacations have fewer health risks than those who do not.

By implementing these suggestions, you’ll soon see a decrease in your stress levels and an increase in the quality of your work.