How to Start the Conversation

  • Try to find a place and time where the person feels safe and comfortable.

  • Then, be a good listener and encourage them to keep talking while also paying close attention to signals that indicate they may need a break.

  • Resist the urge to think about how you should respond next or offer advice.

  • Show respect, compassion and empathy for their feelings with responses like “That sounds hard to manage” or “I’m sorry things are difficult right now.”

  • Watch for reactions during the discussion and slow down or back up if the person seems upset or confused.

  • Use the technique of repeating back what you’ve heard to ensure your understanding is clear.

  • Although it may feel intimidating, asking if someone has thoughts of suicide is important. If their answer is no, doing so will not increase their risk. If they answer yes, it is crucial to seek immediate professional help, such as calling 911, 988 or visiting the nearest emergency room.

Source: Mental Health First Aid® USA