
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression and anxiety account for about 12 billion missed workdays, and the American College Health Association reports that 77% of college students experience moderate to serious psychological distress.

Unfortunately, stigma is one of the most significant barriers to achieving and maintaining optimal mental health, especially for employees in the workplace and college students on campus. The majority of mental health concerns are treatable, and places that foster an attitude of support for those who are struggling with mental health concerns can benefit from improved employee productivity, engagement and retention.

The 1in5 Campaign is designed to increase awareness about mental health and reduce the stigma of seeking help. Take action now: 

  • Add www.1in5.info as a resource on your company's or school’s intranet

  • Show this flash course video at your next management team or staff meeting

  • Display this poster throughout your worksite

  • Display this poster throughout your campus

  • Encourage employees or students to download, print and carry the wallet card

  • Join the conversation on X @1in5info using our social media resources

  • Visit our tip sheets section for mental health statistics, information and resources to share with your workforce or students

Use your EAP or student assistance program

If you work for a U.S.-based company, chances are you have access to an employee assistance program or EAP. Free and confidential, EAPs serve as a resource for HR, managers and supervisors who may be dealing with employee performance issues stemming from mental health concerns.

Most college institutions also provide contacts and mental health services for free or at affordable rates. These campus programs and employee EAPs can provide training, education and other resources to help raise awareness and reduce the stigma of seeking help.